Sunday, March 19, 2006


CCTV units can be found in town centres across the entire UK. They watch our streets 24 hours a day, silently recording everything and nothing. Reducing crime and helping the general public to feel safe in their own community.

In recent times the nations CCTV networks have helped to track criminals across the country allowing them to be detained much quicker than they previously would have been.

CCTV network tracks getaway car: This article from the BBC news site informs us of how CCTV was used to track the car driven by those involved in the shooting of a policewoman in Bradford, West Yorks.

Obviously such incidents could only have been resolved as quickly as they where because of the presence of CCTV networks. But how often do these incidents occur - not very often.

So what do these cameras 'see' for the rest fo the time? Us. You, me and everyone else. This really bothers some people and it opens up the whole Big Brother is watching you debate.

This article, also from the BBC News site details the spread of CCTV across the globe and in the UK in particular.

It also poses the question of wether people would be as comfortable having surveillance in their own private space as they are about having it in public spaces.

This is something I wish to look into further in a future post.

Interesting CCTV facts


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